Platinum Plan Request

Media pitch creation & bio editing
We create a complete media pitch for you leaving nothing out, making sure the music press has everything at their fingertips. We also personalize the pitch to reflect why we feel your music fits with I.M.P’s “music with depth” ethos. We also edit your bio to make sure it meets our high standards.
Matched writers & publications
We make sure to introduce your music to relevant personal contacts.
Social media analysis
We will give you advice on your current online status with tips on how to represent yourself more effectively.
Internet Radio Promo
We reach out to podcasts and internet radio shows who support independent music on your behalf.
Targeted tastemaker publications
We put a special focus on supplying all tastemaker publications and popular blogs with your music for consideration.
Music video promo
We promote your music video at no extra cost. Whether you release it at the same time as your album/EP or midway through the campaign, we will send the video to our full media list for you.
Tour press
Whether you are touring or simply playing shows in your local area, let us know what’s coming up and we will approach press on your behalf.
Facebook & Twitter support
We offer specific advice and templates that work when it comes to rapidly building your Facebook audience. We’ve also teamed up with Andrew Muller from to offer a free month of organic Twitter promotion.
Local to international media
We target your local area as well as national and international music publications
Use some of our major partners
Guaranteed press PLUS
This package typically yields 12 or more quality press pieces (reviews, interviews, features, music video posts, playlist additions, etc)

    Please tell us as much as you can about your intended promotion campaign. We will happily discuss your needs including any custom requirements.

    When we reply we will provide you with an email address for you to submit your Promotion Proposal. Your proposal should include details of your campaign (dates, locations, aims etc.), links to your website, music pages, social media accounts and your campaign assets (bio information and any promotion media) for review.