Songstuff Call for Song Submissions

Indie Sizzle

Music Community Fundraiser 2019

We want your music! Original song submissions. All genres, all styles! Rock, country, electronic, singer-songwriter, hybrids, collaborations, experimental music, instrumentals. Send a link for up three streaming songs (2 – 6 minutes in length) to:

Please do not send high-resolution lossless files or links to songs that must be downloaded. At this stage, we only want streaming audio links.

Only Songstuff members are eligible. Registration is free. If we like your music and want to include it on the compilation, we will ask for a high-resolution render in 48 kHz, 24 bit. We’ll take care of mastering.

Songstuff Music Community

Any profits made are raised as funds towards the costs of running the Songstuff community. As such, by submitting your music you are giving Red Circle 7 and Songstuff permission to use the accepted song within the context of this compilation and it’s promotion and agreeing to waive any and all royalties and license fees in specific relation to your accepted submission regarding this compilation and its performance, both as the creator of the song and the recording artist. Red Circle 7 will not make any financial gains from the release of this compilation.

The target for release is Fall 2019.

Community Music


Songstuff was born in September of 2000 with the goal of providing indie and DIY musicians a platform for learning about the craft of writing songs through songwriting articles and a forum to participate in workshops and discuss any and everything song-related. Along the way, we have added blogging tools, clubs, and other resources to enhance participation. Now we are taking the next logical leap: a collective record label.

Red Circle 7 Records

Red Circle 7’s mission is multi-layered. We hope to enable artists to get the benefits of a label while they retain complete control. As a co-op label, members work towards a collective good. It is very much a two-way street, empowering the members and rewarding them for their efforts. Like any other label, we will be using A&R to find the best artists, who are also willing to work hard developing their skills and pushing their music onward. This is uncharted territory for us. Songstuff members stand to gain a lot from our experiences. It’s pretty exciting!